Yutaka's blog

DevOpsDays Tokyo 2023

I joined DevOpsDays Tokyo 2023. DevOpsDays is a global conference series focusing on DevOps culture, practices, and tools. It brings developers, operations, and IT professionals together to learn, network, and share their experiences. DevOpsDays Tokyo 2023 was held at Osaki Bright Core Hall, Tokyo, on April 18 - April 20. Many people, including overseas, attended it!

Keynote Day 1

The first keynote was the talk by Michael Feathers with the title: DevOps, Development Cadence and the Product Life Cycle.

In this session, I learned that small teams not only develop the product but also decide what they provide to their customers. Working like a startup. Teams are not machines. If they can decide what/how/when to deploy, they will be happy. This is important for autonomous teams. Cadence should be controlled by the team itself. I was impressed by that.

Keynote Day 2

The second keynote at DevOpsDays Tokyo 2023 was titled ノリと組織 Groove & Organizations and was presented by Shuzo Shiota, CEO of Polygon Pictures Inc. The talk was truly impressive, and one aspect that stood out was the emphasis on the power of storytelling.

Shiota explained that without storytelling, it's difficult to captivate users and create an emotional connection. This is especially important in the current AI era, where machines can't create stories on their own. By using storytelling in our products and services, we can create a unique and engaging user experience.

Overall, Shiota's talk provided valuable insights into the importance of storytelling in the digital age. It's clear that his expertise and experience in the industry have given him a unique perspective on how to create impactful and memorable experiences for users. I would highly recommend this keynote to anyone interested in learning more about the power of storytelling in product design and development.

Other sessions

Another talk that left a strong impression on me at DevOpsDays Tokyo 2023 was titled 組織のサイロを打破する!エンジニアがオーナーシップを持って共創する開発プロセス「インナーソース」. Although I was familiar with the term InnerSource, I didn't know much about it until attending this talk.

The speaker provided a clear explanation of the concept and how it can help organizations break down silos and promote collaboration across teams. As an engineer in my organization, I've created a private Ruby gem that can be used throughout the company. Learning about InnerSource has helped me understand how my work aligns with the larger goal of promoting collaboration and sharing within the organization.

Overall, the talk was informative and inspiring, and it has encouraged me to continue exploring ways to break down silos and promote collaboration within my organization. I would highly recommend this talk to anyone interested in learning more about InnerSource and how it can benefit their organization.