Yutaka's blog

Scrum Fest Mikawa 2023

I participated in Scrum Fest Mikawa 2023 on September 15 and 16, 2023. I was a member of the organizing team and a speaker at the Tochigi track, which was held at Light Cube in Tochigi. This article is a report of my participation.

What is Scrum Fest Mikawa?

For those who are not familiar with Scrum Fest Mikawa, I have copied and pasted the following description from the official website:




2023は三河会場とオンラインでの同時開催です。今年はこれまで開催してきましたCLUEに加えて、新たにemCAMPUS STUDIOよりオンライン配信します。

さらに、Day2 はもう一つの製造業のメッカ、栃木にもオンサイト会場を用意します。

My participation

I participated in the Tochigi track of Scrum Fest as a member of the organizing team and a speaker. In the Tochigi track, Seki's team gave a presentation on how they usually develop using 忍者式テスト. The presentation was very informative, with a focus on starting with acceptance testing, doing all of the acceptance testing, and not nesting stories. I learned a lot about the team's approach of taking XP to the extreme.

In addition to the presentation, we also held an OST (Open Space Technology) session at the Tochigi track. Participants discussed a variety of topics that they had brought to the table. As an organizer, I was a little worried about whether the OST would be well-received at the Tochigi track, but I was relieved to see participants taking the initiative and speaking up. I also felt the passion of the members who participate in these conferences, and I am glad that I was involved in the organization.

Overall, I had a very positive experience at Scrum Fest Mikawa 2023. I learned a lot from the presentations and discussions, and I was able to meet and connect with other people in the agile community. I am looking forward to participating in future Scrum Fest events.