Yutaka's blog

Kaigi on Rails 2023

As I reflect on the recently concluded Kaigi on Rails 2023, a particular session that stands out is the dynamic and engaging mob programming experience, titled "ペアプロしようぜ 〜3人で登壇!? 楽しくて速いペアプロ/モブプロ開発〜" (Let's Pair Program – A Fast and Fun Mob Programming Development with 3 Speakers), was a highlight of the conference, showcasing the power of collaborative coding in real-time.

The Magic of Mob Programming

Mob programming, a development approach where a group of developers work together on the same task at the same time in the same space, was demonstrated effectively in this session. It was not just a display of technical skill, but also a testament to the power of collective problem solving and creativity. The speakers guided us through the intricacies of coding in a shared environment, highlighting the benefits of this method, such as enhanced learning, increased code quality, and the development of a more cohesive team dynamic.

The Impact on the Audience

As an attendee, what struck me was the seamless interaction and the fluid exchange of ideas among the developers. It was a learning experience that went beyond the conventional speaker-listener dynamic, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose. The session was more than just an exhibition of coding prowess; it was a demonstration of the collaborative spirit that lies at the heart of the Ruby on Rails community.

They also performed TDD (Test Driven Development) during the mob programming. I was convinced that mob programming with TDD is a powerful way of development. There was actually a constructive conversation, and the code was smoothly written through their discussion.


Kaigi on Rails 2023 was not just a conference; it was a celebration of the Rails community's innovative spirit and collaborative ethos. The mob programming session was a microcosm of this spirit, and it left a lasting impression on me and, undoubtedly, on many others. It reinforced the idea that when we code together, we grow together, creating something far greater than the sum of our individual contributions.